Rodent Care

Caring for Pocket Pets

We love providing the best care possible for your furry friends, no matter their size!

Pocket pets, often popular with children, are also great for adults, especially if you live in a unit or are out at work all day.

These small animals make excellent pets for the whole family. With the right nutrition and environment, they can live long, healthy lives. There’s a variety to choose from, including chinchillas, rats, mice and guinea pigs.


Types of Pocket Pets

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, are one of the most popular small pets among children and adults. These adorable creatures are very social, intelligent and gentle animals that make great companions. They come in a variety of breeds, colours, and hair types.

Housing and Diet:

Guinea pigs are herbivores and their diet mainly consists of hay, fresh vegetables, fruits, and pellets specifically made for them. It is important to provide your guinea pig with unlimited amounts of grass hay such as Timothy hay to aid in digestion and prevent dental problems. Fresh fruits like apples or strawberries can be given occasionally as a treat but should not exceed 10% of their daily diet. Vegetables such as lettuce or carrots can be given daily in small portions.

Housing for a guinea pig should be spacious enough for them to move around comfortably. They require a minimum of 3 square metres of space per pig, with additional space needed if there will be more than one in the same enclosure. It is recommended that the enclosure have a solid bottom to prevent injury to their sensitive feet and wire mesh sides with openings no larger than 1 centimetre.

Health Care:

The first step in maintaining good guinea pig health is by providing them with a clean living environment. Make sure their bedding is changed regularly and their cage is cleaned frequently to prevent any potential health hazards. Furthermore, guinea pigs require a balanced diet consisting of hay, fresh vegetables, fruits and limited pellets to stay healthy.

Regular visits to the vet are also necessary for keeping your guinea pig healthy. These check-ups help identify any potential issues before they become severe problems and ensure that your pet stays up-to-date on vaccinations.

Common Issues and Preventative Measures

Guinea pigs are popular pets due to their cute appearance and docile nature. However, like any other pet, they can suffer from common health issues that can be prevented with proper care.

Here are some of the most common issues and preventative measures to keep your guinea pig healthy:

  • Dental problems: Guinea pigs have continuously growing teeth that need to be worn down through chewing on hay or grass. Without proper dental care, teeth may become overgrown, leading to pain and difficulty eating. To prevent this issue, provide your guinea pig with plenty of fresh hay daily.
  • Respiratory infections: Guinea pigs are prone to respiratory infections due to their small size and sensitive respiratory systems. Ensure their living space is clean and well-ventilated by cleaning their cage regularly.

Interacting with Your Guinea Pig:

Interacting with your guinea pig is an essential part of their well-being. These furry little animals are social creatures and require daily attention and interaction from their owners. Guinea pigs love to play, snuggle, and explore their surroundings, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of opportunities for these activities.

  • Spend time with your guinea pig every day.
  • Talk to your guinea pig in a soft, soothing voice.
  • Offer a variety of toys and activities to keep your guinea pig entertained.
  • Gently pet and stroke your guinea pig to show affection.
  • Offer healthy treats as rewards for good behaviour.
  • Play games like hide-and-seek or fetch with your guinea pig.
  • Allow your guinea pig to explore new environments under supervision.
  • Keep interactions positive and avoid punishing or scaring your pet.

Housing and environment

When it comes to guinea pigs, proper housing and environment are essential for their health and well-being. These tiny pets require a cage that is big enough for them to move around freely but not so large that they feel lost or overwhelmed. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 1 square metre of floor space per guinea pig.

In addition to size, the cage should also be equipped with the right accessories. guinea pigs love to burrow and hide, so providing plenty of bedding material such as paper-based products or wood shavings is important. They also need a nest box where they can retreat when they want some privacy or feel scared.

A guinea pig’s environment should mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. This means providing them with various toys and items to play with, such as tunnels, chew sticks, exercise wheels, and climbing structures.

Feeding and nutrition

In general, guinea pigs require a diet that is high in protein but low in fat. A good quality commercial guinea pig food mix should be the staple of your pet’s diet. You can also supplement this with fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, broccoli or spinach. However, avoid feeding them too much sugar or citrus fruits as these can cause diarrhoea or other digestive problems. Water is also an important component of a guinea pig’s diet. Make sure you provide clean water daily using a sipper bottle rather than a bowl which can get dirty easily.


Health and hygiene

It’s important to keep the cage clean. Guinea pigs can be messy little creatures, so be sure to clean out their bedding at least once a week. This will prevent any build-up of bacteria or foul odours in the cage that could harm your guinea pig’s health. Additionally, provide fresh food and water every day to prevent any bacterial growth in their bowls. Guinea pigs have sensitive respiratory systems, so it’s important to avoid using strong-smelling cleaning products around them. Instead, use mild soap and warm water when cleaning their cages and accessories. This will help prevent any irritation or breathing problems for your furry friend.

Guinea pigs are adorable and popular pets, but like all living creatures, they have their own set of health concerns that owners need to be aware of. Here are some important things to keep in mind when it comes to caring for your furry friend:

  • Obesity: guinea pigs love to eat, but overfeeding them can lead to obesity and related health problems like diabetes.
  • Dental issues: guinea pigs’ teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, which means they need plenty of things to chew on in order to wear down their teeth naturally.
  • Respiratory infections: If you notice your guinea pig sneezing or wheezing, it could be a sign of a respiratory infection that requires prompt veterinary attention.
  • Wet tail disease: This potentially deadly condition is caused by bacteria and can lead to diarrhoea and dehydration if left untreated.

Bonding and socialisation

Bonding with your pet guinea pig involves spending time with them on a regular basis. This can include playing, cuddling, or simply talking to them. By doing this regularly, you will develop a strong bond with your guinea pig that will make them feel safe and secure in their environment.

Socialisation is also important for your pet guinea pig’s wellbeing. Guinea pigs are naturally social creatures and enjoy interacting with other animals as well as humans. Providing opportunities for your pet guinea pig to interact with others can be done by introducing them to new toys or putting them in contact with other guinea pigs under supervision.


The most distinctive physical features of rats is their long tail, which can be as long as their body. Rats use their tails for balance and communication, often twitching them when they’re excited or scared. Another interesting trait is their teeth, which never stop growing throughout their life. This means that rats need to constantly gnaw on things to wear down their teeth. Rats also have sharp claws on each foot that allow them to climb walls and other surfaces with ease. Their fur comes in a variety of colours and textures, ranging from soft and fluffy to sleek and glossy.

The Different Breeds of Rats

Choosing the right breed of rat is an important decision for any pet owner. Domesticated rats come in a variety of colours, sizes, and personalities. Each breed has its own unique characteristics and requirements, which should be taken into consideration when selecting a pet.

It’s important to do your research before choosing a rat breed so you can find the one that best suits your lifestyle and personality.

  • The Angora rat is a striking breed known for its soft, long fur and friendly nature. They are medium-sized and weigh between 300 to 500 grams and come in various colours and patterns. Their long fur requires regular grooming to prevent matting. Angora rats are highly social, intelligent, and enjoy interacting with humans and other rats. They need a spacious, enriched environment and a balanced diet. Regular grooming and clean living conditions help prevent health issues. Ideal for dedicated pet owners, Angora rats make charming and affectionate companions with their unique appearance and gentle temperament.
  • The Standard (Fancy) rat is a popular pet known for its friendly and intelligent nature. These have a short, smooth coat in various colours and patterns. They are highly social animals, enjoying interaction with humans and other rats. Standard rats are easy to care for, requiring a spacious cage, a balanced diet, and regular playtime. They are intelligent and can learn tricks, making them engaging companions. With proper care, including clean living conditions and regular veterinary check-ups, Standard rats can live 2 to 3 years, and offer amazingly affectionate relationships with their owners.

Personality and Behavior of Rats

Rats have become popular pets in recent years, thanks to their cute, cuddly appearance and playful personalities. However, these tiny creatures are much more than just adorable companions. Rats are highly intelligent animals that exhibit unique behaviours that make them fascinating to observe.
One of the most notable characteristics of rats is their social nature. These animals thrive in groups and form strong relationships with other rats. In fact, pet rats should always be kept with at least one other rat to prevent loneliness and depression. Rats are also very affectionate towards their owners and love spending time cuddling or playing games.

Despite their small size, rats are incredibly active creatures that require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. They love exploring new environments, solving puzzles, and learning new tricks. Pet owners can keep their rats entertained by providing them with toys, tunnels, climbing structures, and challenging food puzzles.

Care: Cage setup, feeding, grooming, health

Owning a rat requires proper care to ensure they live long and healthy lives. This includes setting up the right cage environment, feeding them a balanced diet, grooming them regularly and monitoring their health.

When it comes to cage setup, rats need plenty of room to move around as they are active creatures. A single rat should have at least 2 cubic metres of space and two or more rats should have even more space. The cage should also include toys for stimulation and different levels or hiding spots for their comfort. Bedding materials such as fleece or paper-based bedding should be used instead of cedar or pine shavings which can be harmful to their respiratory system.

Common Health Issues in Pet Rats

Pet rats are cute, intelligent and social animals that make wonderful companions. However, like any other pet, rats are susceptible to certain health issues that you should be aware of as an owner. Here are some common health issues in pet rats:

  • Respiratory infections: Rats have a sensitive respiratory system that can easily get infected by viruses or bacteria in the air. Symptoms include sneezing, wheezing and difficulty breathing.
  • Tumours: Rats have a high risk of developing tumours, especially mammary tumours in females and pituitary tumours in males. These can affect their quality of life and require surgery or other treatments.
  • Dental problems: Rats’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives and can become overgrown if not properly worn down by chewing on hard objects. This can cause pain, infection and difficulty eating.

Health Checkups

When taking a rat for a health checkup, a veterinarian will perform a thorough examination to ensure the rat is in good health and to identify any potential issues early. Here’s what a typical checkup involves:

  • Medical History: The vet will often ask about the rat’s medical history, diet, housing, behaviour, and any recent changes or concerns.
  • General Observation: Observation of the rat’s behaviour, movement, and overall condition.
  • Weight Check: Ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Eyes and Ears: Checks for eye discharge, cloudiness, or redness, and the ears for any signs of infection.
  • Nose and Mouth: The nose is inspected for signs of respiratory infection, and the teeth are checked for overgrowth or misalignment.
  • Skin and Fur: The skin and fur are examined for parasites, lumps, sores, or signs of dermatitis.
  • Limbs and Feet: The vet inspects the limbs and feet for signs of injury, swelling, or abnormalities.
  • Abdomen: Palpation of the abdomen to check for masses, swelling, or pain.
  • Respiratory and Heart: The vet listens to the rat’s lungs and heart with a stethoscope to check for respiratory or heart issues.

More advanced checks or diagnostic tests will be undertaken if suitable.

Important Considerations Before Choosing a Pocket Pet:

Choosing a pocket pet can be both exciting and overwhelming. Rats and guinea pigs are popular choices as they are small and relatively easy to care for. However, before making your decision, there are several important considerations to keep in mind.

It’s essential to research the specific species you’re interested in adopting. Each type of pocket pet has its own unique needs and behaviours that must be considered before bringing them home. For instance, rats are social creatures that thrive on companionship.

It’s crucial to ensure that you have enough space for your new pet. While they may be small in size, they still require adequate living quarters where they can move around freely. Additionally, some pocket pets like guinea pigs need access to outdoor spaces or larger cages than others.

Costs, Time Commitment, and Space Requirements

Although they may not be as demanding as dogs or cats, it is important to consider the costs associated with owning one of these animals. The initial cost of purchasing a pocket pet may be relatively low compared to other pets; however, ongoing expenses can add up quickly.

In addition to food and bedding costs, veterinary care should also be factored in. While pocket pets generally have shorter lifespans than larger animals, they still require routine check-ups and occasional medical attention. Another consideration is the time commitment required to properly care for a pocket pet. Daily feeding and watering are just the basics; these animals also need regular exercise and social interaction to stay healthy and happy.

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